Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vegas weather is sucking the creativity out of me: My current thoughts about the writing process

I can't seem to write anything lately, and as you can tell from the title of this blog, I'm just going to blame the weather. Other people blame the weather for stuff all the time, so I've decided I'm just going to make a habit of doing that too. Instead of, "Oh, I have to stop my exercise plan because it's sooooo hot," or "Sorry I forgot to pay for my gas and drove away. The heat must be getting to me, " I'm just going to say that I get heat stroke every time I open the document that contains my novel manuscript.

When it gets cold, I'll say my computer keys gave me frostbite.

Anyway, my writing malaise might actually have started because I'm going to be graduating with my MFA at the end of this month. I'm basically done at this point. I've sent off my thesis, made the powerpoint for my lecture, and purchased my plane ticket to Nebraska for my last residency. But I can't seem to think past graduation. To be honest, I don't have any plans. I can't really imagine what it will be like not to have the guarenteed 10 days with my writing pals every six months. I love every one of them, and for a long time, my writing has depended on not letting them down.


  1. I still can't imagine, and your graduation will be the one year anniversary of my graduation. I guess I'd suggest living in denial...

  2. Darn, I thought I'd be over it by next year :(
