This morning on the way to work, the radio station I usually listen to had a psychic on the air. I tuned in mid broadcast, so I'm not sure if this was a local guy or what, but I at least know he's performed--ahem, visited--Vegas several times and is friends with both D.J.s on the station.
One caller asked him whether she would keep having relationships that lasted only four years and then break up. Wait, I thought, he can predict the future too?
Then someone called in asking about her son, who predicted a plane crash earlier this week. The psychic suggested that next time the kid had premonitions of a tragedy, he should surround the people with "white light" with his mind. The psychic said he had known 9/11 was going to happen and projected white light on it. Apparently, he didn't project enough white light or something.
Just when I was convinced this psychic was awesome, not only was he psychic, but he could also prevent tragedy and predict the future, he said he sees auras when he enters a room. Auras and rainbows.
I guess when you're in Vegas and a psychic, you have pull out all the stops. Vegas is sparkly, so you need to be sparkly too. But on the radio, no one can see a sequined bloomers.
He sees auras and rainbows when he enters a room? Is that just while he's in Vegas? Could be that he's just seeing the light refracting off the cut rhinestones on the showgirls' outfits.
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