Friday, July 1, 2011

You mean all great journalists have a black Amex?

My favorite late-night activity is (No, not going to the strip club.) watching obscure documentaries on Hulu. Last night, I happened upon a doc from 2003, which was filmed, produced and directed by Jamie Johnson of the Johnson & Johnson fortune. It's called "Born Rich," and the point of the project was to interview all his other heir and heiress friends about being wealthy.

I highly recommend the film to anyone (You can watch it for free here: ). The best part of the movie is not what Jamie intended of it, but the subtext that only a non-billionaire like me would pick up. I don't even want to describe it, lest I spoil the surprise.

Anyway, when I finished watching, I went to the blogs to see what other people thought. I happened upon this blog:

Reading through the post, I realized the blogger pretty much agreed with all my thoughts, until I got to this paragraph:

"This gets to a key point I make all the time on this blog, that the “cool” professions, such as journalism, are heavily populated by children of the rich, but they don’t wear t-shirts that say “my parents are decamillionaires,” so unfortunately many middle-class children try to get into these professions without realizing how the odds are so stacked against them."

What?!?! Shut the front door! I was a journalism major. At one point I wanted to be a journalist! Why haven't I heard this before? I thought I understood everything there was to know about class, status and power. After all, I minored in sociology. I thought my complete failure to get any cool internships was because I sucked. Does this blogger mean to tell me that I'm not freelancing for Vogue because I'm not an heiress?

I immediately became very annoyed at all my ancestors for not being WASPs who came over on the Mayflower and instead went through dirty Ellis Island circa the recent past. I'm still peeved about it, right now, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find a silver spoon to shove in my mouth and meditate for the best.

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