Tuesday, August 10, 2010

An obnoxious vehicle is fine if you know your apostrophes.

Our diagonal neighbors bought a new car. I don't usually notice when someone has a new car, especially someone I've never spoken too, unless it's a really nice car. But I noticed theirs.

At first I hoped they just had some ostentatious relative visiting for the weekend, but alas, the car is still there. Anyone could see that from a mile away.

You see, it's an obtrusively long Lincoln, is cranked up really high, and happens to be bright, shiny lime green. The best part is the AWESOME decals on the window: "22's or better," they boast.(An aside to those who don't know, 22s are a type of rim.) Yeah. "22's." Two, two APOSTROPHE esssssss. Apparently, "or better" belongs to the 22s, because any idiot knows an apostrophe S shows possession. Because we learn that in first grade. Surely, if you weren't an idiot but weren't quite sure if the phrase needed an apostrophe, you'd look it up. They park the thing diagonally in the driveway as if they're particularly proud of the stupid thing.

I hope the owner of the car isn't out gambling with his deuces because he probably isn't smart enough to know when to walk away.

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