Today I went to several bookstores looking for a specific writing craft book that I didn't want to have to order. I actually ventured into Border's (which I HATE) because they have a better-than-average selection of books about writing.
So I parked my car in the parking lot and was walking to the store when I realized I was being followed. A short chap who appeared to be about 18 jogged to catch up to me as I quickened to a speed walk. Normally I'd find this creepy, but it was daytime and near a busy intersection in a bustling shopping center. Unfortunately, opening the door to the store slowed me down a little, which gave him time to shoot me this doozy:
Him: Hey! Don't I know you from somewhere?
Me: No.
Inner Me: What are you doing near a bookstore? Are they giving away muscle shirts with every Kafka purchase?
Come on. Is this really the best conversation starter you can think of? A yes or no question? That doesn't even qualify as a pick-up line. After I answered, he of course, hightailed it away from the books. Then again, for all I know, he genuinely had me confused with Justin Bieber.